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off the hinge中文是什么意思

用"off the hinge"造句"off the hinge"怎么读"off the hinge" in a sentence


  • 脱开铰链的, 健康失调的, 精神错乱的


  • - look at that . - he got it off the hinge
  • Look at that . - he got it off the hinge
  • About a half - hour before the deadline , a swat team used explosives to blow a hole in a classroom wall in hopes of getting a clear shot at him , but they couldn ' t see him through the gap , and they blew the door off the hinges to get inside , said lance clem , a spokesman for the state department of public safety
  • About a half - hour before the deadline , a swat team used explosives to blow a hole in a classroom wall in hopes of getting a clear shot at him , but they couldn ' t see him through the gap , and they blew the door off the hinges to get inside , said lance clem , a spokesman for the state department of public safety
用"off the hinge"造句  
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